Journey Into Womanhood – Higher Institution Part (2)

As time went on, my friendships progressed from familiar John – who eventually wanted to be more than just a friend – to others; Joy, Ruth, Jono, Josh and Ben. It seemed the entire class was segmented into smaller ‘friendship units,’  everyone had their clique.

Sam Adeka was a distant friend I wasn’t willing to let go of. On my part, it drifted from just friendship to teenage obsession. I’d stalk him with calls even when I had nothing important to say. I remember even rehearsing a couple of times before calling him. Somehow, I was able to win his commitment; he tried as much to reach me back. Eventually, the high school Love Letter matter I wanted to dig facts about, became less important.  A part of me felt we were grown past it. I was so sure Sam wrote it – though unverified – but I was more sure that progressing to Uni had changed so much about it. We had to remain as friends despite my desire to be more than friends.

We kept in touch and called occasionally to check on each other’s welfare. He was far away at the University of Illorin pursuing his dream to become a medical doctor. I recall his visit to my school on two occasions and how excited I felt about seeing him again, I somehow wished we were in the same school but fate rather had us apart.

Sam’s visits to my school were inspired by our friendship and initiated by me; he visited me at school when he had breaks and traveled home. Gladly, Sam’s parents had relocated from Lokoja to Zaria, the town where I now school. But the paradox was, he moved out of Zaria to another city to school.

Talking about friendship with the opposite gender, my Mum was never an advocate of such relationships. She believes unchecked relationship with an opposite gender could be destructive and distracting for teenagers and young adults. She would always advice us to prioritize setting goals and achieving success over boy-girl relationships because we would definitely “find love when the time is right.”

Written by: Sharon_Godskid

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