Tag Archives: type of friends

How To Identify True Friends

As we journey through life, we meet different categories of individuals depending on our location per time and interests. These persons usually leave a mark on our personalities.

According to Bishop T.D Jakes in a sermon he preached in 2008, he classified the people we meet in life into three categories: The confidants, the constituents and the comrades.

The confidants: These are the set of people in your life that are into you. They love you unconditionally, they are not scared to correct you, they are not ashamed of your tears, they connect with you both emotionally and spiritually. You find them around you in good times and bad times, they’d never betray you, they’re always happy for you, happy when you’re happy and sad when you’re sad.

These are the kind of persons you need to succeed, they’d never leave you alone when you’re in a mess. You’re just at your best around them.

These set of persons encourage you when you’re down, they’re always in for your success, they’d never opt in for envy or jealousy and are always open to you.

They’re both a friend, a mentor and a brother in one package. They’re sensitive to your needs.

Now, this is the best person to fall in love with, they’d not go away anytime soon. This is the best person to share your dreams with, they motivate you to actualize your dreams. With one or two of them in your life, you’re set to hit hard on destiny with full potentials.

The constituents: These are the set of persons in your life that stands for what you stand for.

Don’t get it twisted, they are not into you. They come into your life because of certain traits or qualities you exhibit that attracts them to you. They stand where you stand but would soon walk away and move onto another object of obsession.

Sharing your dreams with these kind of people is risky, they might move on to achieve your dreams without you. Telling them your secrets is not worth the stress as they could use it against you. You have to be careful not to think you can confide in them at the early stage of meeting them. They may come close when you’re broken and vulnerable, and don’t get hurt when they walk away, their part in your story is over.

These are not the persons you need to hit your goal, these are the kind of persons that drain you but may never feed you. If you fall in love with them, they’d break your heart.

You can’t avoid them totally but you have to be wise in dealing with them.

The Comrades: These are the set of persons you meet in life that are neither into your nor into what you are for, but are just against what you are against. These kind of people only appear in your life just to fight a greater enemy and once the victory is achieved, they part ways with you or even turn against you.

You find them in the classroom, your office, on the streets, or in the market. They could be your neighbors too. They are not interested in your interests nor concerned about your concerns, they only have a purpose to achieve in your life. They jump out of your life the same way they bumped in when their mission is accomplished. Don’t get hurt when they’re nowhere to be found. You were not meant to be.

The people you meet in your life are there for various reasons but most importantly, the people you need in your life are the ones who are always happy for you, those people that would never give up on you, those people that would love you endlessly for who you are. These are your true friends.

Be mindful about your association as it can either make or mar you. And never forget this wise saying….

Your ambivalent relationships are more toxic than your toxic relationships – Vanessa Van Edwards

I hope you were blessed by this.

Sharon Godskid